Friday, October 25, 2024

Guide to Unveiling the Applicant Tracking System Features


To unlock the full potential of an ATS, it is crucial to understand the applicant tracking system features for the employer. In today’s fast-paced world, the recruiter needs to rely on applications and hiring software to recruit candidates. These applications are quite easy to use and save a lot of time. 

But only the recruiter who knows how to use these applications can use it to its full potential. To do so, it is important to understand the workings and features of these applications. The majority of good-quality applicant tracking systems have many hidden features. 

Thus, in this blog, we will track all these hidden applicant tracking system features. So, without further ado, let us dive into what an ATS system is.

What is an applicant tracking system? 

An applicant tracking system, also known as ATS, helps the recruiter ease the entire hiring process. It has various features that help it to post the vacancies, parse the resumes, rank the candidates, and even schedule the interviews. This takes off the major burden of clerical work related to the hiring process for the recruiter. So he can easily focus on the quality of the candidates.

Thus, this is what an applicant tracking system is. In the next section, we will look at its features.

What are the essentials of an applicant tracking system?

An applicant tracking system has many features. However, the following features are common in almost all ATS softwares. They are: 

  • Job posting 

This is one of the most common applicant tracking system features. In general parlance, a recruiter may need about 10 to 15 minutes to post vacancies on every job website around the internet. It takes about 5-6 hours to complete this process manually. Thanks to this feature, the recruiter can post vacancies on all the job websites within one click. 

  • Resume scanning and parsing

The ATS scans and sorts the resumes received from multiple candidates in just a few minutes. If done manually, this task would need at least 5 minutes per candidate. Also, the parsing feature allows the recruiter to reduce the time needed to read the resume. Hence, this is one of the most important applicant tracking system features. 

  • Candidate sourcing

An ATS helps the recruiter find appropriate candidates from multiple platforms. This gives a variety to the recruiter to choose from. It can even search for candidates on the international level. This helps to increase the diversity and hiring scale of the company. 

  • Interview scheduling 

Once the recruiter finds an appropriate candidate, they can initiate the interview process through the ATS. This is one of the most important applicant tracking system features for effective communication between the recruiter and the candidate. The ATS schedules interviews according to the schedule of the recruiter but with proper communication with the candidates. 

  • Integrations

An applicant tracking software can integrate with multiple applications and platforms to help the recruiter hire better candidates. Many ATS can integrate with CRM (candidate relationship management) software to make communication between the recruiter and clients as well as candidates easier. This is the reason why this feature is one of the most crucial applicant tracking system features. 

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The above-mentioned features are possessed by almost every ATS in the market. Further, let us look at how an ATS system functions.

How does an applicant tracking system function?

Working on the best applicant tracking system is quite simple. Various ATS systems may differ from others, but almost all ATS systems follow this process:

  • Firstly, the recruiter needs to insert the information related to the vacancy. Then, the software creates a precise job post and posts it on various job websites. Also, it creates an ideal profile based on the job post.

  • When the company receives applications, the software starts sorting, parsing, and ranking the applicants based on the ideal profile. This is one of the most common applicant tracking system features every software has.

  • Also, the software scans the parsed resume and searches for keywords. It rejects the applications in which it does not find any keywords.

  • Further, many ATS systems provide a simple onboarding process for the candidates. 

This is how an ATS works. But what benefits does it provide to the users? Let us look at the same in the next following section.

How can an ATS system benefit the recruiters? 

An ATS can be quite beneficial to the recruiter. Especially with all the applicant tracking system features, it becomes easier for the recruiter. This is how it benefits the recruiter: 

  • Saves a lot of time

A good ATS saves multiple hours for the recruiter. This is because it automates almost every step involved in the hiring process of the candidate. Moreover, applicant tracking system features like resume parsing and sorting help the recruiter screen the candidates within a few seconds rather than a few minutes. 

  • Improves hiring structure

Various applicant tracking system features help the recruiter to improve the hiring structure of the company. The ATS stores the candidate data in one place, forming a centralized database of candidate information. Moreover, it also allows you to customize the system according to the needs of the recruiter. This improves the workflow and, eventually, the structure. 

  • Facilitates collaboration

Applicant tracking systems have multiple integrations with various communication tools and social media platforms. This helps to communicate with the candidates easily. Moreover, it has shared access for the team members. Thus, the whole team can work together while hiring the candidates and make informed decisions. They can also comment on the candidate profile and take notes. 

  • Candidate experience

The ATS communicates with the candidates from the first till the last stage. This helps the recruiter to keep the candidates engaged and involved in the hiring process. Also, it has multiple ready-made templates for emails and messaging that help the recruiter to communicate with the candidate easily if needed. This helps to develop a good image of the company. 

  • Making the right decision

At times, a situation may arise where more than one suitable candidate is found for the same job position. This might confuse the recruiter on whom to choose and lead to a wrong decision. Thanks to the advanced features of an ATS system, where it can analyze the candidate deeply. This helps the recruiter to make a correct choice. 

With these benefits, we are sure you will get your perfect match in a much shorter time. But do not forget to overlook its features. In the next section, let us take a look at the features that you might overlook in an ATS.

Applicant tracking system features that are often overlooked

There are multiple features in an ATS that stay hidden, and the recruiter overlooks them with time eventually. These ignored features can be of great use to the recruiter in hiring the best candidates in the market. These features are: 

  • Customizable workflow 

Did you know that you can customize your ATS according to your hiring needs? Everybody knows about the basic customizations, but many hidden ones mold according to the company’s needs and wants. Especially those features that help streamline the hiring process when two or more departments are using the same ATS.  

  • Talent pool management 

The recruiter can always manage his talent pool and select the type of candidates that he would like to see more often. Also, it has the option of retaining previous candidates for reference. This makes it one of the most convenient hidden applicant tracking system features. 

  • Mobile recruiting abilities 

Most ATS softwares provides a mobile version for hiring candidates. The employees can access candidate resumes through a mobile version and use the ATS accordingly. In this world where the use of mobiles is increasing day by day, this is one of the most useful hidden applicant tracking system features.

Thus, these are the features that you might skip while looking at an ATS. Furthermore, let us find out whether an ATS system is completely accurate.

So, is an ATS software 100% accurate?

To be honest, like every other technological invention, applicant tracking systems are not perfect. At times, dealing with an ATS can be quite tricky. It is because it is just software and works on the instructions and commands entered by the user. It is possible that the user might fail to convey what he exactly wants, and thus, the ATS does not give him the desired results. 

Moreover, the sorting feature among the applicant tracking system features completely rejects the candidates who have not used the keywords in their resumes. This can lead to rejection of some of the best candidates. Not every candidate that uses keywords is qualified, and vice-versa. Thus, this might lead to the company’s loss. 

Thus, we can say that an ATS is not 100% accurate, but it does help in easing the overall hiring process, especially the clerical work.

Did You Know?

A good ATS needs not to be expensive. Many recruiters think that good applicant tracking software ought to be expensive, but this is a total myth. Even the cheapest applicant tracking system in the market can give you a good performance if you know how to use it. 

All in all,

In this world of advancements, searching for a perfect ATS is as difficult as searching for a needle in a bunch of hay. Thus, the perfect way to search for a good applicant tracking software is to search for the above-mentioned hidden applicant tracking system features in an ATS. This way, you can easily find a sound ATS system.

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A Aadithya is a content creator who publishes articles, thoughts, and stories on a blog, focusing on a specific niche. They engage with their audience through relatable content, multimedia, and interacting with readers through comments and social media.

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