Tuesday, February 11, 2025

How to Develop a Digital Workspace for Peak Productivity

In this new work-from-home regime, there are two ways to get work done. One option could be to add more hours to your current schedule. Or, get more work done in current hours. I am sure a lot of you would prefer picking the latter. But how?

Let’s introduce you to some useful digital productivity tips to get more work done while navigating through these unusual times.

1: Choose a Dedicated Area

This is a very obvious tip, and by now, you might already have a dedicated space. I created one for myself in May. It was also when I upgraded my Charter Spectrum Internet plan to get more speed.This dedicated area allows privacy, especially if you share a house with a roommate, spouse, or children. If your work requires meeting with clients often, set up your workspace near the house’s front entrance. If you need to take calls frequently, find a room with a door to reduce the noise.

2: Manage the Clutter

Whether it’s hard or soft documents, keep everything organized. Forty-two percent of the employees complain they can’t find files because they are named incorrectly. Create an intuitive hierarchy so that finding files does not consume much of your time. Also, keep your desk clear, so you are not distracted by the clutter around you.

Dedicate time to organize documents within your 8-hour work. It will just take 5 minutes. Do it regularly so that you are not wasting your peak productivity hours on decluttering every single day.

3: Backup Your Documents

Losing important data is never pleasant, especially when you have to waste hours restoring hard drive data while the business is pending.

Modern tech is powerful and reliable, but it can fail us due to hardware failure and software crashes. Create a backup of your documents regularly. Don’t just rely on one source of backup. Maintain cloud and hardware backup simultaneously.

4: Make Sure You Are Getting Natural Light

A majority of people can’t work from a windowless room. It’s horrible for productivity. There is a ton of data to back that up. Natural light has amazing health and productivity benefits. Try to get as much as possible in your workspace. Trust me, it will keep you sane.

5: Get a Multi-Monitor Setup

This isn’t a mandatory thing but if your job demands multiple monitors, get them. The only problem is once you try this setup, you would never want to go back to a single monitor again.

One might think you’ll have more distractions when working with dual or multiple monitors, but it’s actually the other way around. You’ll be able to focus more on tasks instead of switching from different tabs or windows. A multiple monitor setup will allow you to display more windows and run multiple applications simultaneously. This reduces downtime and optimizes work performance. You also don’t have to break the bank for additional monitors. There are a lot of affordable refurbished LCD monitors that are just as good as brand-new ones.

Multiple monitors are wonderful for anyone who does research. You don’t have to switch between tabs back and forth. The multiple monitor setup lets you keep important data open on one screen while you are working on the other.

There is one catch. Make sure you are using the second monitor to keep yourself productive. Don’t end up browsing unnecessary things on the second screen and kill your productivity.

6: Get Indoor Plants

Plants have the power to spike office productivity by 15 percent. If you don’t have a window in your room, you definitely need plants. They are nice to look at. In case you are not a plant person, then add art to your workspace. It tends to have the same effect plants do.

7: Go for a Mechanical Keyboard

If your workday consists of typing on the keyboard, get rid of a cheap chiclet keyboard. Get something that’s joyous to use instead like a mechanical keyboard.

This keyboard will make you type faster and boost productivity naturally. The physical switches in these keyboards make typing less fatiguing.

8: Automate or Find Shortcut

Automating tasks can save time significantly. For example, using tools, you can create alerts, send follow-up emails, and track tasks.

Outsource from the Internet when necessary. Instead of wasting time doing everything from scratch, outsource tasks. Sure it may cost extra money but, you will get more work done.

9: Keep the Communication Open

Poor communication not just becomes a source of anxiety, it can also result in poor work conditions. It’s especially harder to communicate in a remote environment. If you are not communicating properly, you are increasing your work. This will result in task revisions, and in some cases, you would have to do the work all over again. This could be a real productivity killer.

There are some ways to overcome this and keep the communication open. For instance, prefer calling instead of communicating over text. You may also video chat. Hearing the tone and seeing the facial expressions reduces the chances of miscommunication. It’s important to be presentable in your appearance, and there are no domestic noises to interrupt the call.

10: Take Frequent Breaks

Once your work shift ends, get some rest. But that’s not the only time you should be taking a break from the screen. Take regular 5-minute breaks throughout the day. You may also use these breaks to do things you have been procrastinating about. Just the other day, I took a break to call the Spectrum for paying my bill. I was surprised it only took 5 minutes. You may use these short breaks to do anything so long as they don’t disrupt the productivity chain.

These tips will transform your workday and make you more productive than ever. Feel free to try something else to boost your productivity.

A Aadithya is a content creator who publishes articles, thoughts, and stories on a blog, focusing on a specific niche. They engage with their audience through relatable content, multimedia, and interacting with readers through comments and social media.

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